Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lo zucchero

Originally Posted September 4, 2009

A slight addition to the previous post...I thought it was interesting (and incredibly aggravating at the same time) that Ray Kurzweil advocates an low gyclemic load diet as an anti-aging strategy. As anyone who doesn't live under a rock knows, coming across nutrition theories is about as hard as...well, nothing. They're everywhere!

And totally conflicting with every other diet out there. So when I started reading his book, I expected to find another completely undoable plan. Instead, I came across the same brilliance that my wise friend challenged me to about 6 weeks ago! Sweet! Well, not sweet, that's part of the whole point...the goal is to consume the least amount of high glycemic load foods as possible- which would be foods that will break down rapidly into sugar (or are simple sugar in the first place). From an anti-aging standpoint, your body will, over time, be less and less able to control the insulin response to sugar breakdown. At a point, diabetes would develop, followed by the cataclysmic host of other syndromes that comes with it. However, by controlling glycemic intake early on, you can reduce your body's reaction, and thereby slow down the failure of the system. Doesn't sound too crazy...

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